What People Say
I feel reassured more and more that you guys at Ty-Alban are excellent at supporting young people
Senior Social Worker
Given the professionalism and experience I would not hesitate in making referrals to them
Social Worker
I have worked closely with Jade and Daryl (directors), both have provided excellent care for children been on my case load. The children accommodated have benefitted a great deal and they strive to achieve the best outcomes possible for the children that we work with
Senior Social Worker
I would like to thank you for helping to improve my experiences when working with residential placements. I have found communication with you and your team a pleasure and professional you are always clear and passionate about the work you do.
Youth Justice Woorker
I am confident that you will make a real difference
Missing Person Co-ordinator
You are doing a phenomenal Job
Your teams drive and passion to ensure this placement holds for him is truly remarkable. I am seeing a united front in your team, one that believes this young man is redeemable, who are compassionate and empathic to the young person’s situation and circumstances